Are you interested in coming along to a Meanjin / Brisbane Still Life Drawing Workshop? Studio Maverik runs inclusive and beginner-friendly Still Life Drawing classes in Brisbane. Studio Maverik hosts a range of themed Brisbane Still Life Drawing sessions, check out the details and browse our gallery below.


Studio Maverik facilitates beautifully curated Still Life Drawing in Brisbane / Meanjin. These Brisbane Still Life Drawing classes are often themed and take direct inspiration from seasonal fruits & flowers. Our Still Life Drawing sessions are held in Fortitude Valley, at the charming arts venue, The Station Brisbane - Studio Maverik, 16 School Street, Fortitude Valley QLD.


Still Life Drawing Classes with Studio Maverik take the tradition of Still Life Drawing and add a contemporary flare; incorporating lots of colour & texture into a playful scene of still objects. Studio Maverik Still Life Drawing sessions centre around a maximalist arrangement of seasonal florals & botanicals, and a vast collection of everyday homely objects. Each Still Life session with Studio Maverik is visually unique with a focus on sourcing seasonal fruits and flowers. Our Still Life arrangements are intended to be harmonious with the seasons and in the tradition of Still Life Art, ever-evolving and never staying the same.

Our Brisbane Still Life Drawing classes are lightly guided by two local artists, Frances and Rhianna, and are open to the public to participate in and enjoy! At the start of the Still Life Drawing workshop, your hosts will provide you with some simple prompts and light direction that will help drawers to notice detail – the subtle curve of a piece of fruit, the intricate patterns on a vase, or the way light casts a shadow. Studio Maverik Still Life Drawing sessions encourage participants to observe shape, texture, colour, proportions, light & composition; all within a slowed-down, welcoming and inclusive environment.

Our Brisbane Still Life Drawing classes celebrate the beauty of the everyday, taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary. The goal of a Studio Maverik Still Life class is for our participants to be inspired by the beautiful arrangement and feel free within their creativity. Studio Maverik Still Life workshops are seasonally throughout the year and are one-off events that you won’t want to miss – check out our upcoming events here.


  • You can expect a colourful, wholesome and enriching experience at a Studio Maverik Still Life Drawing Brisbane session. The session will be centred around a beautifully curated Still Life arrangement, consisting of seasonal florals & botanicals and a collection of homely everyday objects. For a Still Life Session we recommend arriving around 10 minutes early to get settled in, grab your materials and find a seat. The session will begin with an introduction from our facilitators Frances & Rhianna, where they will provide you with prompts and exercises to get the drawing started. The 2-hour class will consist of lighting-guided drawing tips and plenty of time for free drawing, with a short break in the middle. The break will provide you with a chance to chat, meet your neighbour and perhaps share your drawings. Studio Maverik’s Brisbane Still Life Drawing Sessions are thoughtfully curated and intended to be an experiential session involving all the senses.

  • Still Life Drawing is the practice of drawing while referencing still objects. The subject matter is inanimate and unmoving, typically with a focus on everyday objects; such as, flowers, fruit & household items. Think of it as a snapshot of a quiet moment frozen in time, like a mini world full of intriguing shapes, textures, and colours.

  • Still Life Drawing and Life Drawing both involve drawing from life – the distinction between them lies in their subject matter. Life Drawing(Figure Drawing) references a live human model who is typically nude. Still Life Drawing will always reference inanimate objects.

  • Studio Maverik provides basic drawing materials for all of our Brisbane Still Life Drawing classes. The basics that we provide include paper, pencils, charcoal, erasers, sharpeners and drawing boards. We recommend that you bring any additional materials that will help unleash your creativity such as graphite pencils, compressed charcoal, an iPad, ink, or pastels – whatever medium resonates with you. A sketchbook or drawing pad with quality paper is ideal to ensure your creations come to life vibrantly. Feel free to bring an easel if you prefer working upright. We kindly request that you bring along cleaning materials if you work with wet materials, such as cleaning wipes and a protective rag for the floor.

  • Studio Maverik Still Life Drawing is located in Fortitude Valley, Brisbane. Our sessions are held at The Station Brisbane. The address is 16 School St, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane 4006. Be sure to read the event details and listed address for your session, as we facilitate pop-up events on occasion to engage with different communities.

  • Still Life Drawing is not just about creating art; it's a multifaceted practice that enhances observation, creativity, patience, and problem-solving skills. Key benefits of Still LIfe drawing are:

    Observational Skills: Still life drawing encourages you to observe details closely. You learn to notice shapes, proportions, textures, and the interplay of light and shadow.

    • Hand-Eye Coordination: It enhances your hand-eye coordination as you translate what you see onto paper.

    • Patience and relaxation: Creating a Still Life drawing requires patience and concentration. It encourages you to slow down, focus on the task at hand, and develop a more patient and mindful approach to your work. Engaging in still life drawing can be a relaxing and meditative activity.

    • Understanding Form: Still life drawing helps you understand three-dimensional form and how objects appear in space.

    • Creativity: While still life drawing often involves everyday objects, it also offers opportunities for creativity. You can experiment with different arrangements, color schemes, and styles to express your artistic vision.

    • Self-Expression: Still life drawing offers a platform for self-expression. You can convey emotions, moods, or personal stories through your artwork, making it a fulfilling means of creative expression.

    • Art Appreciation: By exploring the details and nuances of everyday objects, still life drawing deepens your appreciation for the beauty found in the ordinary.

  • Throughout its history, Still Life art has served as a mirror to society, a showcase of technical skill, a source of symbolism and allegory, and a celebration of the beauty in everyday objects. It has continually adapted and reinvented itself, making it a timeless and enduring genre in the world of art.

    • Ancient Beginnings: Still life art has ancient roots, with examples dating back to Egyptian and Roman art. These early depictions often featured symbolic objects and offerings for the afterlife.

    • During the Renaissance in Europe (14th to 17th centuries), still life paintings began to evolve as a distinct genre. Artists like Jan van Eyck and Hans Memling created detailed and realistic representations of objects, including flowers, fruits, and everyday items.

    • Dutch Golden Age: The 17th century in the Netherlands marked a golden era for still life painting. Dutch artists like Willem Claesz Heda and Jan Davidsz de Heem achieved remarkable technical precision and explored various subgenres, including "vanitas" still lifes with symbolic elements reminding viewers of the transience of life.

    • Baroque Opulence: In Baroque art, still life became a platform to display opulence and wealth. Artists like Caravaggio used dramatic lighting to add intensity to their compositions, while others like Francisco de Zurbarán focused on religious themes within still life settings.

    • 18th and 19th Centuries: Still life continued to evolve with the rise of Romanticism and Realism. Artists like Édouard Manet and Paul Cézanne challenged traditional conventions and brought fresh perspectives to the genre.

    • 20th Century Innovations: The 20th century saw still life art take on new dimensions with the emergence of Cubism and abstraction. Artists like Pablo Picasso and Juan Gris reimagined objects in fragmented and abstract forms.

    • Contemporary Exploration: In contemporary art, still life remains a vibrant genre, often intertwined with conceptual art and various media. Artists continue to experiment with new ways of representing objects and their cultural significance.

  • Symbolism has played a significant role in the genre of Still Life art, Studio Maverik Still Life Drawing sessions centre around a beautiful set-up of florals, botanicals and objects. Our Still Life arrangements focus on visual aesthetics and seasonal themes rather than the tradition of looking at the symbolism and the meaning behind each object within the composition. We encourage our drawers to find their own meaning and significance behind each object they choose to include in their own drawings, however, understanding the symbolism within the genre is a great tool for deciphering and appreciating the meanings behind Still Life artworks. Here are some common symbols found in still-life art:

    • Vanitas: In the tradition of vanitas still life, objects like skulls, hourglasses, and extinguished candles symbolise the transience of life. These compositions serve as reminders of mortality and encourage contemplation of the impermanence of worldly pleasures.

    • Fruits and Decay: Overripe or decaying fruits often symbolise the cycle of life, growth, and decay. They represent the fleeting nature of beauty and the passage of time. Conversely, fresh fruits can symbolize abundance and fertility.

    • Flowers: Different flowers hold various symbolic meanings. For instance, roses often symbolize love and beauty, while lilies can represent purity and resurrection. The choice of flower species can convey specific messages or emotions.

    • Skulls and Memento Mori: Skulls are potent symbols of mortality and the human condition.

    • Religious Symbols: Some still-life artworks incorporate religious symbols like the Eucharist elements (bread and wine) to convey spiritual messages, often related to the Christian faith.

    • Books and Knowledge: Books can symbolise the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, or the passage of time through literature. They can also represent the importance of education and intellectual pursuits.

    • Candles and Light: Lit candles can symbolize hope, enlightenment, or spirituality. Extinguished candles may represent the end of life or the fleeting nature of human existence.

    • Artistic Tools: Brushes, palettes, and other art-related objects can symbolize the artist's creative process, dedication, and the power of artistic expression.

    • Household Objects: Everyday objects like keys, mirrors, and globes can hold various symbolic meanings. Keys may symbolize access or mystery, mirrors may represent self-reflection, and globes can symbolize exploration and knowledge of the world.

    • Musical Instruments: Musical instruments like violins or guitars can symbolize the harmony of life, emotions, or the creative process.

    • Personal Belongings: Objects associated with a specific person, such as a portrait or personal items, can symbolize the individual's life, interests, and identity.

    • Cultural References: Objects from different cultures can symbolize heritage, diversity, or connections between cultures.

    • Social Commentary: Contemporary still life art often includes objects that symbolize social issues, consumerism, or contemporary values.


Studio Maverik hosts Still Life Drawing workshops through out the year. We also host a vibrant variety of Life Drawing Brisbane sessions in Fortitude Valley every week. Everyone is invited to attend our creative sessions and basic drawing materials are always provided. Browse our socials and check out our upcoming events and book in for your next session. See you there!